12329 Abstract
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Application and Research Progress of Weathering Steels for Transmission Line Pole and Tower(PDF)

MATERIALS CHINA[ISSN:1674-3962/CN:61-1473/TG]

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Application and Research Progress of Weathering Steels for Transmission Line Pole and Tower
ZENG Shangwu1 HUANG Yao2 GUO Xiaohong3 CHEN Hongwei4WAN Xiao5 ZHANG Xu6 LI Guang5
1. China Metallurgical Information & Standardization Institute, Beijing 100730, China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100192, China 3. Ansteel Iron and Steel Research Institute, Anshan 114009, China 4. Hesteel Group Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050023, China 5. Shandong Electrical Engineering and Equipment Group Co. , Ltd. , Jinan 250002, China 6. Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing 100043, China
transmission pole and tower weathering steel weathering angle steelweathering steel bolts no coating

TG142; TM75

Transmission pole and tower is one of the most important infrastructures in transmission line engineering projects.Hot-dip galvanising has long been the primary anti-corrosion solution for transmission pole and tower. However, the intermittent hot-dip galvanising industry has been identified as one of the industries that consume large amounts of raw materials and energy and produces numerous pollutants. In addition, transmission pole and tower with hot-dip galvanising corrosion protection need maintenance. Therefore, the development and application of novel anti-corrosion materials are important goals for power industries. In the atmos pheric environment, the surface of weathering steel will form a dense and stable rust layer with good adhesion,which has better corrosion resistance than ordinary carbon steel. The application of weathering steels in transmission pole and tower is an important development direction of corrosion protection. Using weathering steel to manufacture transmission pole and tower can solve the anticorrosion problem in the application process from raw materials, and the idea of “rust to prevent rust” can realize coating and maintenance free for its lifetime. The paper mainly introduces the applications and important research achievements of weathering steel for transmission pole and tower in China, including the composition design and performance research of the main raw materials (such as weathering steel plate, hot roll weathering angle steel and weathering steel bolts), corrosion behaviors of weathering steel in different regional climate, and the engineering application of weathering steel in transmission pole and tower.



Last Update: 2023-05-30