ZHENG Yufeng,LIU Jianing.Element Selection of Medical Magnesium Alloys from the Perspective of Degradable Metals[J].MATERIALS CHINA,2020,(2):092-99.[doi:10.7502/j.issn.1674-3962.201907012]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Element Selection of Medical Magnesium Alloys from the Perspective of Degradable Metals
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
郑玉峰1; 2; 刘嘉宁2
(1. 北京大学工学院 材料科学与工程系,北京 100871)(2. 北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院 生物医学跨学科中心,北京 100871)
- Author(s):
ZHENG Yufeng1; 2; LIU Jianing2
(1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) (2. BioMedX Center, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
- 关键词:
降解金属; 医用镁合金; 生物降解性; 生物相容性; 合金设计
- Keywords:
biodegradable metal; biomedical magnesium alloy; biodegradability; biocompatibility; alloy design
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
进入21世纪以来,可降解金属成为医用金属材料研究的热点。镁及镁合金是过去10余年被广泛研究的代表性可降解金属材料。Web of Science 检索显示,过去10余年有关医用镁合金的基础研究工作在全球范围内已经发表了3000余篇文章,人们对可降解镁合金与机体的力学、化学和生物学相互作用机制有了较深入的认识,初步开展了“医用镁合金的成分设计与性能优化”、“镁合金在体内的降解机制及其调控方法”、“镁合金降解产物的生物安全性与代谢途径”、“镁合金降解过程中的力学强度退化”等基础科学研究。尽管已有大量的新配方镁合金被设计与研究用于生物医学,但多为工程材料专家们的炒菜式思维,企业对投入费时费钱的生物医学验证坐等,医学转化成效低。在成百上千的已有材料配方中,迄今在全球上市的医用镁合金植入式医疗器械只有德国WE43系镁合金和韩国Mg-Ca-Zn合金,国内进入创新医疗器械的两个产品是以纯镁为材料。因此,拟从生物材料专家的视角出发,摒弃对力学性能的追求,从可降解金属的生物降解性和生物安全性两个最基本的判据出发,对元素周期表中适合可降解金属的元素进行初步筛选,在此基础上选出用于医用镁合金的合金化元素,换一个角度,从更佳的生物学性能和生物功能性出发,对未来医用镁合金材料设计指明可以尝试的新方向。
- Abstract:
Since the beginning of the 21st century, biodegradable metals have become a hot spot in the field of metallic biomaterials. Magnesium and its alloys are representative biodegradable metals that have been studied over the past decade. According to the search results of Web of Science, more than three thousand SCI articles have been published on the basic research work in the past ten years. With depthunderstanding of interaction mechanisms between degradable magnesium alloys and mechanics, chemistry and biology of host, some basic scientific problems have been preliminarily studied, such as “the composition design and performance optimization of biomedical magnesium alloys”, “the degradation mechanism of magnesium alloy in vivo and its regulation methods”, “the biosafety and metabolic pathways of degradation product of magnesium alloys” and “the degeneration of mechanical properties during the degradation process of magnesium alloys”, etc. Although a large number of magnesium alloys have been designed and studied for biomedical applications, they did not seem to be satisfactory for the medical device companies. Until now, there are only two magnesium alloys used as implanted medical devices that marketed worldwide—the WE43 series alloy from Germany, and Mg-Zn-Ca alloys from South Korea. Currently two products that have entered the innovative medical device in China are made of high purity magnesium. Therefore, in this paper, the preliminary screening of elements which are suitable for degradable metals in the periodic table are made by dual criteria: biodegradability and biocompatibility. On this basis, the promising alloying elements for biomedical magnesium alloys are proposed. It is supposed to provide a new direction for the material design of future medical magnesium alloys from a different perspective, with better biosafety and biofunction.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期:2019-07-16修回日期:2019-08-17 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51431002,51931001);国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1102400)第一作者:郑玉峰,男,1973年生,教授,博士生导师, Email:yfzheng@pku.edu.cn
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